The Latest News from the Cinematic Asylum
2025 Means That Our 20th Birthday is Next Year!!! - 01.20.25
Grinnings and salivations movie maniacs, film fanatics, faithful friends and family, and sublime supporters of the cinematic arts! Welcome to 2025!! Now then, to get right down to the real nitty gritty of the matter... just WHERE the deue have we been (at least online) all year?!? 2024 was a tremendous year for "The Blue-Eyed Boy & Mister Death" as you'll see below! We were lucky enough to screen our heartfelt spell of cinematic magic at film festivals all over the country this past year, and we have no intention of resting on our laurels this year, but to collect even more if we are to be so lucky. And with that, comes the first film festival selections of 2025 for our latest project, and one that is still near and dear to our clown-killing hearts...
ATTENTION MOVIE MANIACS & FILM FANATICS: on behalf of the casts and crews of both "Kill Giggles" AND "The Blue-Eyed Boy & Mister Death", we are excited and delighted to spread the word that our clown killer thriller AND our heartfelt spell of movie magic are OFFICIAL SELECTIONS of the 2025 Spring Lane Film Festival! Come run amok with Mad Ones Films on Saturday, April 12th, from 12-8PM at the one-of-a-kind Spring Lane Cinemas in Sanford, NC!! We are honoured to be a part of such an awesomely amazing line-up of shorts and feature films, and we cannot wait to see our film festival friends and family there. As if that wasn’t entirely too much awesome to fit into one skull, there’s also the WORLD PREMIERE of “Emotional Support Demon,” written by Bill Mulligan, directed by Dave Harlequin, featuring some tremendously talented folks on both sides of the camera, and also an on-screen cameo from yours tattooed truly. So scribble the date on your calendar, fingerbang it into your scheduling app, do whatever you have to do to get thee to Spring Lane Cinemas on April 12th for an independent cinematic summit of truly epic proportions. #KillGiggles #ComingSomeday #SendInTheClownsToDie #TheBlueEyedBoyAndMisterDeath #SpringLaneFilmFestival #MadOnesFilms #MakeMoviesMagicAgain
The Blue-Eyed Boy & Mister Death was lucky enough to have the following 2024 Screenings:
Austin Revolution Film Festival: February 2024; Austin, TX
Con Nooga Film Fest: February 2024; Chattanooga, TN
AtomaCon Film Festival, May 2024; Charleston, SC
Bare Bones Independent Film Festival May 2024; Muskogee, OK
ConCarolinas Film Festival: June 2024; Charlotte, NC
ConGregate Film Festival: July 13, 2024; Winston-Salem, NC
San Antonio Film Festival: July 3-August 4, 2024; San Antonio, TX
Carolina Short Film & Screenwriting Showcase: August 17, 2024; Asheville, NC
Freedom Festival International: August 22-24, 2024; Columbia, SC
Foothills Film Festival: September 7, 2024; Shelby, NC (WINNER: BEST DRAMA)
Wreak Havoc Horror Film Festival: September 14-15, 2024; Winston-Salem, NC (EXHIBITION)
San Angelo Revolution Film Festival: October 4-6, 2024; San Angelo, TX
South Carolina Underground Film Festival: November 8-10, 2024; Columbia, SC
Stranger Days Independent Film Festival: December 28, 2024; Charlotte, NC
A brand new year means, not necessarily a brand new Mad Ones Films, but just a new do, a new look, and with the grace of the goddesses and gods of film, a new project or two. Whilst we work on the latter, please to enjoy the brand new 2024, now 2025 video intro for Mad Ones Films, created by yours tattooed truly. My father's "camera man" logo has long been an inspiration to me, so to be able to incorporate it into the Mad Ones logo is both an honour and an homage. We've got more re-branded goodies coming soon!
So... what else is in store for your favourite motley crew of movie-making misfits this year?!? Well friends, you'll just have to stay tuned to find out!
Jaysen P. Buterin,
Creative Director, Mad Ones Films
An Award-Winning World Premiere and So Much More for 2024!! - 02.26.24
Grinnings and salivations movie maniacs, film fanatics, faithful friends and family, and sublime supporters of the cinematic arts! It's been a whirlwind couple of months as we've finalled emerged from the dark recesses of the post-production cave into a brightly lid world of film submisisons, and when we're VERY lucky, acceptances. But to win an award, any type of award, and to have not only that recognition from your peers but the validation from an audience that all of your hard-earned work wasn't for nought, well that's just the icing on the big movie magic cake!
I’ve been trying to catch these words since the awards ceremony last night but they were eluding me. Now that I’ve got them I am beyond excited and delighted to share the news that "The Blue-Eyed Boy & Mister Death" has won the Director’s Choice Award for Best Short Film at the 2024 Austin Revolution Film Festival!!! I was absolutely honoured to have our world premiere at a film festival that is so near and dear to my heart, but to receive an accolade such as this, well folks, its put a smile on my face six heads wide. I am so proud of this film, I am so honoured to have worked with this cast and crew, and I am so grateful to Jim, Jess, Orbit and everyone at ARFF for giving us this chance. Believe in movie magic, for I assure you it is very real. #TheBlueEyedBoyAndMisterDeath #ARFF
And then, as if that wasn't amazing enough, last weekend "The Blue-Eyed Boy & Mister Death" not only screened as part of the 2024 Con Nooga Film Fest in Chattanooga, TN, but we were also humbled and honoured to bring home the award for Best In Show!!! This is a huge honour for us as Con Nooga was one of the very first conventions we ever screened at, so many many moons ago with our lighthearted hot pink heretical hijinks. Our sincere cinematic thanks to everyone at Con Nooga for allowing us to be a part of their awesome line-up this year. I am so very proud of this film, I am absolutely honoured to have worked with this cast and crew, and I will be forever grateful to Dave and Mark for being there at Con Nooga to represent our heartfelt spell of movie magic. #TheBlueEyedBoyAndMisterDeath #BelieveInMovieMagic #MadOnesFilms #SupportIndieFilm #ConNoogaFilmFest
So when asked to record a promo video intro for an upcoming podcast appearance, we always take it way more seriously than we should. Oh sure the golden words dripping off a silver tongued blue-eyed devil might look easy, but we assure you film friends and fanatics, it is anything but. Sometimes even the simplest video with words you know in your sleep are the hardest ones to get right. So please to enjoy this sneak peek behind the curtain of the scene to see just how many times I mess up my lines walking the slippery slope between profane and profound. Clearly I am not an actor and sometimes words is hard. And don't miss the new episode of "The Filmmaker's Lounge" from the fantastic folks over at In Flight Entertainment, available here:
So... what's next for your favourite indie movie making misfits?!? Stay tuned to find out...
Jaysen P. Buterin,
Creative Director, Mad Ones Films
A Brand New Year and a WORLD PREMIERE: What's in Store for 2024!! - 01.06.24
Greetings and salutations movie maniacs, film fanatics, faithful friends and family, and sublime supporters of the cinematic arts! HAPPY NEW YEAR (at least, it damn well better be...) So you'll recall that last time we announced that the film had been accepted into the Austin Revolution Film Festival (ARFF) in Austin, Texas for its WORLD PREMIERE! Well now we have even more of those important devilish details and we can share exactly when and where the film will have its unveiling: February 16th at 5PM in Theatre 1!
The Austin Revolution Film Festival holds a special place in Mad Ones Films' movie-making heart and I personally would not be the storyteller that I am today if it weren't for the friends, the family, the relationships that I made at that festival. It's where I first crossed paths with a talented, handsome, humourous and soft-spoken Adam Hampton back in 2015, who would then come to NC to recite words written in the backrooms of my brain eight years later for one of the important cinematic spells of movie magic that I will ever to make - The Blue-Eyed Boy & Mister Death. ARFF has even been so gracious as to nominate yours truly for Best Short Film Director, which just makes it even more special. So for any of our IndieGoGo investors or BTS members who may be in the Austin, Texas area that weekend in February, come sit with me in Theatre 1 while I try not to have a panic attack and get ill like I do before every screening, all these years later. And after ARFF, the sky (and our meager film festival budget) is the limit for we'll be submitting to festivals all over the world with this one. So stay tuned as we plan on getting this sentimental and surrel short film in front of as many eyes as possible, because we don't want a single one of them to be dry by the end of the film.
I am also thrilled to announce that in addition to the HAuNTcon & Indie Horror Film Private Screening of Kill Giggles, I will also be teaching a film seminar on "Deliverables: The Dark Side of Distribution in Indie Film" immediately after the screening on Saturday, February 10th in Daytona Beach, Florida! The 2024 HAuNTcon: Haunted Attraction National Tradeshow & Convention is going to be nothing short of amazing and the Indie Horror Show is certainly going all out this year!! We cannot wait to be a part of it and to FINALLY bring Kill Giggles to Florida!!! #HAuNTcon2024 #KillGiggles #SendInTheClownsToDie #MadOnesFilms #TheIndieHorrorShow
So... what's next for your favourite indie movie making misfits?!? Stay tuned to find out...
Jaysen P. Buterin,
Creative Director, Mad Ones Films
Post-Production Pride and Teaser Trailer World Premieres!! - 09.06.23
Greetings and salutations movie maniacs and film fanatics! After a fun-filled VO recording session, and a semi-crosscountry jaunt to Missouri and back for some rather important b-roll, we can confirm that "The Blue-Eyed Boy & Mister Death" has offically entered the world of post-production in time for an anticipated world premiere in early 2024! We are extremely proud of the movie magic we made, and sincerely grateful to our cast, our crew, our investors, our fans and friends and family, for having the faith in us to get us this far. Stay tuned for some groovy movie goodness as new stills, the theatrical trailer and some really brilliant BTS bits are coming your way!
Speaking of trailers, we are also excited and delighted to announce that we have an amazing BRAND NEW teaser trailer already, chopped by our very own brilliant Director of Photography, Sean Norona from Hogar Images! Not only that but it also had an absolutely awesome WORLD PREMIERE on an Alamo Drafthouse screen at the GenreBlast Film Festival in Winchester, VA over Labour Day Weekend! Along with the teaser trailer for the new chiller thriller "STILL" from Rakefet Abergel, our teaser screened before the world premiere of Michelle Iannantuono's phantasmagorigal gaming sequel, Livescreamers! And so kickstarting the heart of the Saturday night, in a packed theatre full of some of our favourite film friends and family (as well as some total strangers), the world got its first sneak peek at "The Blue-Eyed Boy & Mister Death" and even though the seconds in between its finish and the roar of applause felt like eons, we could not have been happier and prouder to see, hear and feel that kind of reaction to something we know deep down in our heathen hearts is going to be pretty powerful. For now we're going to share it privately with the BTS Access Club before unveiling it to the world on Friday, September 22nd, so stay tuned to find out when and where you can see it for yourself!
We were also honoured to have a write-up in one of Greensboro's very own Yes Weekly, one of our favourite arts and entertainment magazines, about some of the movie magic being made right here in North Carolina. Not only does Mark Burger shine his spotlight on "The Blue-Eyed Boy & Mister Death" but he also spends some chatting with Sean Norona whose own film project "Blackout" is currently in production and wrapping up a phenomenal crowdsourcing campaign.
So... what's next for your favourite indie movie making misfits?!? Well now the arduous and exciting adventure of editing begins, and the film is safely in the trusted of hands of award-winning writer/director/DP/editor/Mad Ones Jesse H. Knight, so first up will be a picture lock, which will then go to our bloody brilliant score composer, Ron Wasserman, for his musical magical touch. After that, it's titles and tightening and all manner of editorial wizardry...timelines are being set, deadlines will be met, and as soon as we can announce the WORLD PREMIERE of the film, we will let you know first!! In the meantime, the FU Cancer buttons (censoured and uncensoured) have gone out to their new forever homes and if you were one of the cool kids to join the BTS Access Club be sure to check it out as we're still adding all sorts of stuff and goodies every week!!
Jaysen P. Buterin,
writer/director, "The Blue-Eyed Boy & Mister Death"
Principal Filming Has Wrapped! Now It's On To Post-Production!! - 07.21.23
Five years worth of planning. Two days worth of filming. 16 pages of script shot in 20 hours. Friends flown in from around the country and some drove over from our very own backyard. And then all of a cinematic magic sudden... we were done* with principal photography on THE BLUE -EYED BOY & MISTER DEATH (* except for some vital b-roll to be shot next month!)
So first and foremost, from the bottom of my storytelling heart to everyone looking/watching/reading here, I want to thank you. On behalf of the cast and crew: thank you for your faith, thank you for your funds, thank you for your shares and your cares, and most importantly thank you believing in us, and that movies can be magical again.

The five years worth of planning wasn't an exaggeration... it was probably a little longer actually, but TOTALLY worth it because it allowed a first-time-collaborating cast and crew to come together as a team and make something sincerely amazing in just one weekend. Upon picking Vernon Wells and Adam Hampton up from the airport, I already knew I was in for a most excellent, if not downright nervewracking/panic-inducing/slightly masochistically terrifying, adventure. As the cast and crew started to gather on set, I was awestruck by how much laughter, levity and smiles there was already, in between tremendous takes that calmed my frazzled director nerves by the time we were done with the first scene of the day.
The first day of filming saw two different locations, most of which was my own house (which really helps save on location fees!) as well as some of the most important dialogue of the film. While we were lucky in pre-production to have a couple of online rehearsals together, seeing the seemingly-instant connection that Vernon and Adam had made my heart happy in ways I'm still trying to process. I knew that it was why we had to wait to tell this story (originally the film was planned to be shot last year, but the fates had other plans), and I knew that was why it had to be these EXACT two tremendous acting talents because there was so much on the page, and in the characters, that I never had to explain to them... they just got it. And what made me even more profoundly proud, was that they brought so much more to the characters of "George" and "Will" that wasn't on the page, it's the stuff that writers dream comes true someday, and it happened to me two days in a row.
We wrapped Friday night with one of my favourite scenes of the film, shot on my very own front porch. Now folks, I knew that working with Adam Hampton was going to be an honour but I had no clue it was going to be such a privilege. To be able to hear talented souls not just read the words that came out of your head but to actually speak them with conviction is some kind of wonderful that I just can't put into words, and Mr. Hampton not only knocked it out of the park but the whole damn world. He brought Will to larger than life reality right in front of me and I'm still a bit starstruck honestly. Despite living near one of the busiest and heavily-trafficked areas in town, the film gods AND Friday Night Ruckus Gods were extremely kind to us and Kevin Murray, our brilliant sound wizard, was able to cleanly capture the words that were so very important to me. By the time the clock struck midnight we were all done, and as everyone turned back into pumpkins and our shiny shoes got kicked off, I couldn't wait to do it all again.
DAY 2 brought me to tears—some of sheer joy, others of sublime sadness—but all genuinely grateful to be a part of this film with these people. I just can't describe how it felt to see Sean Norona, our brilliant DP, collaborating with Matthew B. Moore, an amazing lighting wizard, and seeing the chemistry cook between the two of them in the most creative ways. Having the hair & make-up brilliance of Marisol Feliciano Cotton once again brought a tremendous touch to the abundance of talent we already had on screen. HJ Pham Studios was on set taking some extremely cool BTS shots which we'll be sharing soon, and if Dave Harlequin isn't just one of THE BEST damn ADs in independent filmmaking, then I don't know who is. All of them, everyone, was absolutely amazing and I just know that's going to come out in the film!!
Throughout the second day of filming, and long into its night, the smiles and the celebration on set never stopped, despite everyone working their bums off to make sure we tell the best cinematic spell of movie magic that we could. Sean and I took Adam out on the road and made him drive us around a while. We came back to one of the most amazing taco bars I've seen, courtesy of K2B2: the golden goddess - whose craft services kung fu is seriously strong. And as we waited for the sun to go down, we got ready to shoot THE MOST important scene in the film, with some of the most powerful and most heartfelt words that I have EVER written.
This is the part where Adam Hampton made me cry, the closing scenes of the film. And it wasn't just me—as I looked around and saw almost everyone either misty-eyed or with tears streaming down their faces—but everyone held it in until I called "CUT" and then the sobs and the sighs were unleashed. And we had to go thru it all over again... and again... and then at least once more for safety. But once again, dear IndieGoGo Investors, by the time the midnight hour rolled around, we were not only done, but we had done it. We shot sixteen pages in just under twenty hours, and THAT is a tremendous filmmaking feat for ANY production, no matter its size or scale. On Sunday, most of us rested. There was a scene or two to get some clean dialogue of, so naturally we were treated to a mouthwatering badass brilliant brunch, while getting the last little bits of lines in between thunderclaps and howling winds and rains because when else would we have a wee tiny monsoon blow through the Triad?!? And honestly, that was the worst thing that we had to deal with ALL weekend, and that's the best that I could ask for... if you've never seen lighting put in a bottle before then I just can't describe what it was like to work on this film with these film friends and family of mine. I will never forget it.
So... what now?!? Well, there is a tiny bit of a sound recording session coming up, as well as the aforementioned b-roll filming going on in August. After that, we're officially done and embarking into the realm of post-production. Timelines are being set, deadlines will be met, and as soon as we can announce the WORLD PREMIERE of the film, we will let you know first!! In the meantime, the FU Cancer buttons (censoured and uncensoured) just arrived, so we'll start getting those shipped out right away! If you were one of the cool kids to join the BTS Access Club be sure to check it out as we're adding all sorts of stuff and goodies every week now! We are all so excited about this project I wouldn't be surprised if a shiny new teaser trailer just showed up out of nowhere, but you'll just have to keep checking back to find out!!!
Jaysen P. Buterin,
writer/director, "The Blue-Eyed Boy & Mister Death"
Pre-Production Madness for The Blue-Eyed Boy & Mister Death Is Underway!!! - 05.16.23
With just under two months left until the cameras start rolling on The Blue-Eyed Boy and Mister Death we are excited and delighted to reveal that the fundraising campaign for the film is almost fully funded!! In addition to the IndieGoGo Campaign we are also taking contributions thru Venmo, Paypal AND good old-fashioned cash! The perks for the campaign will be honoured no matter the method the contributions come in, we're just sincerely grateful for the support we've receieved from our film friends, family and even total strangers! This just affirms our belief that a film of this nature could be the great unifier that brings people together, no matter what makes them different. We told you movies were magic...
The Blue-Eyed Boy and Mister Death is one of the most personal stories I have ever told and is like nothing I have ever written before—a surreal story spun as part Twilight Zone tall tale and part existential “what if” fable that asks the question: what happens when someone answers a phone that shouldn’t ring anymore?
WHAT?!? You haven't joined the Blue-Eyed Boy & Mister Death Super Secret BTS Access Club yet?!? Get exclusive access to teasers, trailers, interviews and all manner of BTS shenanigans for only $50 and help us make some amazing movie magic!! Sneak a peek at the campaign, sign up for the perk and check back for weekly updates and additions! Thank you!r
It is my sincere cinematic hope that this short film will have a universal appeal to anyone and everyone who has ever lost a loved one in their life to Cancer. If you have EVER wanted to become a part of movie magic, then please check out our IndieGoGo campaign (link in comments) which is now live! And please help spread the word, we’ve got lots of surprises in store this time!
#TheBlueEyedBoyAndMisterDeath #MadOnesFilms #ComingSoon #MakeMoviesMagicAgain #NCFilmIsAliveAndWell #SupportIndieFilm #GoGoIndieGoGo #FUCancer
Jaysen P. Buterin
It's Time to Make Movies Magic Again - The Blue-Eyed Boy & Mister Death! - 04.21.23
Greetings and salutations dear film fanatics and movie maniacs! As many of you know, it’s been a hot minute since we’ve made some movie magic… four years worth of hot minutes actually, and now we are excited and delighted to announce that we’ve got a brand new cinematic spell that I need to tell, and we're asking for your help to get it out of our writer/director's head and onto your screens!
The Blue-Eyed Boy and Mister Death is one of the most personal stories I have ever told and is like nothing I have ever written before—a surreal story spun as part Twilight Zone tall tale and part existential “what if” fable that asks the question: what happens when someone answers a phone that shouldn’t ring anymore?
Filming for The Blue-Eyed Boy and Mister Death will take place in July, 2023 in Greensboro NC and after spending the fall in post, will have its film festival world premiere in February of 2024. After that, we're keeping our fingers crossed for a long and healthy run on the film festival circuit before bringing it home to you, our investors, our friends, our family.
It is my sincere cinematic hope that this short film will have a universal appeal to anyone and everyone who has ever lost a loved one in their life to Cancer. If you have EVER wanted to become a part of movie magic, then please check out our IndieGoGo campaign (link in comments) which is now live! And please help spread the word, we’ve got lots of surprises in store this time!
#TheBlueEyedBoyAndMisterDeath #MadOnesFilms #ComingSoon #MakeMoviesMagicAgain #NCFilmIsAliveAndWell #SupportIndieFilm #GoGoIndieGoGo #FUCancer
Jaysen P. Buterin
Resolutions, revolutions, revivals and now… rebranding. Welcome to 2023! - 01.07.23
Like a ’76 Firebird rising from the ashtray, it’s time to wash the bittersweet aftertaste of the aftermath of Hollywood and their distribution disaster from my mouth and to remember why I fell in love with making movie magic in the first place. There is a certain cinematic spell that I’m just aching to tell, but first I need to do some serious madhousekeeping, both in my own cerebral asylum and with Mad Ones Films in general. I can't really call it rebranding as I don't think I ever actually finished officially "branding" Mad Ones in the first place (because why would a professional graphic and web designer ever actually finish their own stuff?!?) In the meantime however, back to playing housekeeper... please to consider me Mary Fuckin’ Poppins y’all for the next little bit I like to call, “Whistle While You Rant!”
And so once more with feeling, it’s time to address the comatose circus elephant in the room, the $64,000 question burning in the backs of the brains and dancing on the tongues of our investors, fans, friends, family and fellow filmmakers for what I hope is the penultimate time: “WHEN is KILL GIGGLES coming out?!? Why is it taking so long?!?” While technically that’s two questions, the tawdry truth of the matter is that all this time later, I still have NO bloody idea when it will be released. I’m not really certain that anyone does actually, and if they do, they’re sure as cinematic shite not sharing that information with anyone else, or at the very least, they’re not sharing it with us – the filmmakers.
You see we’ve been asking that very same and very seemingly simple question going on almost three years now. We’ve asked the good people at Avail Films, at Hollywood Media Bridge, at Grindstone Entertainment: when Kill Giggles will be released? We’ve asked it repeatedly, religiously, and redundantly—and our typical response has been blame absolving shoulder-shrugs, finger-pointing and passive-aggressive posturing or just being flat-out ignored. Apparently this is “just the way things are” and “just the way the business works.” Well folks, I don’t think it’s actually working at all if you ask me, and clearly the way that things are needs to change. And so that brings us to the here and now, you see, of 2023.
Everybody always wants to know what’s on the horizon, what’s the next thing you’re working on, what’s coming soon?? For the OCD kid in me, Kill Giggles still doesn’t feel finished… it doesn’t feel quite done yet because of this whole release limbo we’ve been stuck in for far too long now. If it weren’t for the amazing film festival run the film has had so far, the reviews and interviews and feedback and interaction with the fans from those live screenings, I don’t know if I could’ve held on this long. The movie magic masterpiece that I asked everyone I know, and quite a few strangers that I didn’t, for their faith and their funds to help me make isn’t in their hands, isn’t on their screens, isn’t in “Mike’s Blu Ray Collection” yet, and that really REALLY bothers me! It vexes and haunts me like some sort of Victorian villain in Netflix’s latest period porn project. In fact, it has plagued me to the point that I haven’t been able to move on to the next thing because the last thing doesn’t feel truly done yet. Such have been the internal and infernal trials and tribulations taking their toll as I toil, that I haven’t let myself really even finish a screenplay, let alone to be lucky enough to get it paid for and in and out of production. Now I know that some of this is on me, I bear that self-deprecating/self-sabotaging cross willingly, but there’s just no way in any circle of Hell that this can be an acceptable way for filmmakers to be treated by the people who are attempting to profit from their films, and if it is… well then, no thank you Hollywood. I think it’s time we break up. It’s not me… it’s you. Can I have my stuff back now?
Okay, now if you made it all the way thru that last bit of alliteration-abusing soapbox sermon then congratulations and well done! We’re almost done, I promise. That was all my very longwinded way to say, “I have no idea when Kill Giggles is coming out and I’m not going to worry about it anymore.” The last whispers that we heard from Hollywood were hinting about possibly this February (as apparently Valentine’s Day is the most popular time for horror films to be released). Then again, we heard those same rumours this same time last year, so who knows? It’s in the hands of the film gods now—or the finger click of the unpaid intern who cuts it from Column A and pastes it into Column B in the great FILM RELEASE DATE excel sheet in the sky. As soon as we hear anything, and I mean ANYTHING, we shall shout it loud and proud from the virtual (and quite possibly, literal) rooftops, we swear but it’s time to get ramblin’ ramblers, and so our next cinematic magic adventure awaits.
And so that brings us back to our new “slogan,” mantra, catchphrase, hashtag, meditation chant or battle cry, whatever you want to call it: “it’s time to make movies magic again.” Time to tell some new stories. Time to remember how much fun I have playing make-believe on an epic and creative scale. Time to hit that film festival circuit again and catch up with film friends and family from around the world. And the screenplay demons are most certainly screamin’ in my head, I can assure you!! I have one screenplay close to being finished and another one to revise. I have two stories (and pages of scribblings) to start putting pen to paper to, since I can’t actually write anything on a computer, but soon both will be on their way to FinalDraft land. And then I also have to pull off THE single greatest revenge film of ALL time—the one where we kill Cancer. But first, how do you like your blue-eyed boy Mr. Death?
So there are some fantastic things coming soon, stay tuned!! And in the meantime, yours tattooed truly has delved back into the world of thrilling and chilling prose with the publication of “Splitting Headache,” a brand new story that is part of Hot Off the Press, a charity anthology from Red Cape Publishing, in aid of FAST UK – the Foundation for Angelman Syndrome Therapeutics. This anthology came out late last year and features over forty pieces of flash fiction from some of the biggest names in the indie horror community, including screenwriters, actors, directors, authors and producers. So dim the lights, draw the curtains, and settle in for something both bloody AND brilliant!! Order from Books2Read or from Amazon!!!
Also, please stay tuned for some more fantastic film festival announcements featuring two of our award-winning short films (Don’t Let the Light In and The Corner) coming very soon, as well as more screening opportunities for Kill Giggles. And we pinky swear that we will be better this year about keeping all you crazy people out there who keep coming back in here more informed as to the latest goings-on of the inmates running the cinematic asylum. It’s time to make movies magic again… and to do so our way.
Please just bear with us a little while longer, and I assure you, we will send in the clowns to die!!!
Jaysen P. Buterin
Oh dear gods of movie-making magic, has it really been THREE YEARS TO THE DAY since the cameras AND the clown heads started rolling on the set(s) of Kill Giggles?!? Once again, proving that math is a hell of a drug, yes... yes it has! Three years ago today the cast and crew of what would soon be Hollywood's most sought-after clown killer thriller (I mean, why the hells else wouldn't they have released it yet, right?!?) descended upon the Piedmont Triad and specifically, our Director of Photography's house to shoot the very first scenes of the film in the lovely (and hellishly humidly sweltering) North Carolina summer. From the very first few shots, to the last scene of the shoot, there was an electricity in the air that you dream of having on a film set. We all knew we were doing someting pretty damn amazing... making a uniquely original story that had never been told before.
And so here we are, three years later, and before you even ask or type or AutoCorrect... no, we still have no idea when the film is going to be released. We have asked our associates at Avail Entertainment and Hollywood Media Bridge and Grindstone Entertainment... we've asked them a lot, and we are told that this seemingly never-ending wait is just "the way things are" and "part of the business" and to "just be patient." Unfortunately, that's the only answer or lack thereof, that we have at the moment. The unfortunate side-effect of having a dream come true sometimes is that you lose total control of it as it easily dances between dream and nightmare. Hopefully we will have some sort of answer, or even better yet, a release date for you very soon.
However, faithful film fanatics and movie maniacs, there are still opportunities to see Kill Giggles on the big screen! In fact, should you find yourselves in Indianapolis, IN around the beginning of August for the summit of all that is nerdy and awesome known as Gen Con, then you'll be excited and delighted to know that Kill Giggles will be screening for screaming there on Thursday, August 4th at 9PM! Writer/director Jaysen Buterin and some cast and crew will also be on hand for a Q & A after the screening.
Please just bear with us a little while longer, and I assure you, we will send in the clowns to die!!!
Jaysen P. Buterin,
Writer/Director, KILL GIGGLES
Kicking Off 2022 with an Award-Winning BANG!!! - 2.12.22
Well film fanatics and movie maniacs, we would love to tell you the EXACT date that Kill Giggles is being released, but that would require us knowing—which we don't—because that would require someone in Hollywood to actually do their job or, at the very least, respond to an email, which they apparently don't. And so we wait... and wait... and wait... and, oh hey look kids, there's Animal Chin and Godot!!
HOWEVER, all hope is not lost just yet... for we do have some rock-em sock-em good news AND a couple of screenings to share that will hopefully distract you from the fact that the movie isn't in your hands and on your screens just yet. For all of our fans, friends and family in the Austin, TX area, we will be screening at the Austin Revoluton Film Festival on February 17th! And for everyone who wants to see a clown die a bit closer to our NC home, we will be having a screening at the Alliance Community Comic Con on Saturday, March 12th in Paducah KY, to benefit the Mayfield Tornado victims!
As if we weren't already excited and delighted to be an official selection of the 9th Annual Austin Revolution Film Festival (going on in 2022 because, Apocalypse and all) and to be nominated for some pretty amazing awesomeness, but NOW we are absolutely tickled hot pink to share the news that our brilliant DP/editor/EP Jesse Knight has won the award for BEST EDITING!!! We are so very proud of you and your amazing work Jesse, congratulations, and congrats to everyone who made Kill Giggles the movie magic that it is!!! In honour of the achievement of my cinematic confidante/comrade-in-artistic-arms, I am sharing the above BTS shot from the making of the clown-killing masterpiece which still brings a smile to my face. And even MORE awesome than that, we just got confirmation that Kill Giggles has won the Director's Choice Award for Best Feature Film at ARFF9, and that's just some of the most wonderful news that we've gotten all year!
On a personal and humble note, Jaysen would just like to say that he is absolutely ecstatic to be screening Kill Giggles amongst such amazingly talented film friends and family. And that’s been one of THE most important Texas-sized-things that we have loved about this film festival from the very first moment we nervously showed up at an opening night meet & greet back in 2015—family. Never has that word been truer in the creative and communal sense than at ARFF. We have met some wonderful cinematic souls within its walls (and outside smoking), and made some of the most important friendships of our film career with its talented contributors, staff and supporters. So it makes our heathen hearts grow two sizes larger with pride to bring back our first feature film that so many people worked so very hard on, and to show our ARFF Family just how much our work has grown since that first nervous arrival six years ago. If you’re in the neighborhood of the Radisson Hotel Austin North on February 17th, please join a bunch of movie maniacs and film fanatics, where we will be on hand to finally send in the clowns to die in Austin, TX!!!
Please just bear with us a little while longer, and I assure you, we will send in the clowns to die!!!
Jaysen P. Buterin,
Writer/Director, KILL GIGGLES